2019-2020 Ice Season Wrap-up

Extremely Mild Conditions

Once again, the past winter set another record to be the lowest by ice cover development season in the Caspian. It is the second warmest season if judged by FDD. The was one that was warmer in 2015-2016. However, freeze-up was a lot later and extreme negative temperatures were lower in January that allowed to freeze more ice that season. The maximum volume reached this season is 4.3 cubic km. This is a very small number compared to 19.2 that was observed in 2017-2018 and 17.3 in 2014-15.

Ice Season from Space

Scroll through selection of remote sensing images below to see how ice cover developed through the course of winter.

Ice & Metocean Observations

The following video is a daily time lapse of ice and metocean observations for the whole season

On our Youtube channel

Ice melt period in December

High resolution optical image from Sentinel-2 allowed to observe ice condition in Kashagan area during warm-up period in December 2019.

Ice melt period in the December in Kashagan
Cold period in November has resulted in ice formation along all the shores of the Northern Caspian Sea. Great Sentinel-2 from 7 December reviled the picture of ice conditions in Kashagan area after warming period in the beginning of December. Looking at several locations we can observe that ice is melting in the area – like what it looks usually in March.


Talk to our ice consultants how this information can facilitate your operations.

Caspian Sea