Just days after the ice season is finished in the Caspian we are glad to publish updated database on stamukhi including this season (2019-2020) and reanalysis for 2013-2014.

Extremely mild season resulted in stamukhi formation mainly along the Eastern and Northern precoastal zones with rare objects in deeper than 3 m (-31 m BD) waters.
Stumukhi are massive grounded to seabed ice rubble features resulting from deformation of ice cover during ice movement events. These features create discomfort for navigation during ice season. Persisting into open water after the ice is gone they become a navigational threat for light summer fleet out on their errands in the sea.
Read more on our stamukhi recognition program in Research and Development section. Statistics on stamukhi observations is published to a powerbi report on our website summarizing the database in a comprehensive manner. You can find out frequency of occurrence (count of features), intensity (areal coverage based on basic dimensions) and persistence in terms of duration from the formation date to the day of erosion.